Take Action to Save 1717 Brunswick Street From Demolition!
The Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia is horrified to hear about the application for demolition of 1717 Brunswick Street, formerly the Halifax Alehouse. Please sign the petition linked below to call on the municipal and provincial governments to take immediate action to stop the demolition, strengthen protections for built heritage in the HRM, and create more incentives to preserve the historic fabric of our city.
We also encourage you to write to Mayor Fillmore, the HRM Council, and Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, Dave Ritcey, to say: enough is enough. We demand better protection for our built heritage before it is all gone!
You can find the contact information for your councillor and the Mayor's office here: https://www.halifax.ca/.../districts.../district-look
David Ritcey’s email address is: MIN_CCTH@novascotia.ca