
The Architectural and Spatial Web of a Mid-century Ranch Bungalow: Modernity and Jewish Houses on Sydney’s Howe Street: A Lecture by Gerald Pocius
Drawing on family and public archives, oral narratives, buildings and landscapes, this talk will consider the wider built environment of Sydney, Nova Scotia, the architecture of Rueben Fisher, and the material and spatial life of the Spinner family in their Mid-Century Modern home.

Boatbuilding Sheds: A Disappearing Feature of Coastal Life: A Lecture by Emanuel Jannasch
Our boatbuilding sheds are surprisingly diverse and mutable. This can pose a challenge both for students and custodians of built heritage. We'll look at several examples from the southwest half of the province, and discover how the big boat shed in Lunenburg both follows this tradition and contradicts it.

Marking the Spot: A Workshop on the Researching and Registering of Buildings in Nova Scotia
Join the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia for a free workshop on line workshop on how to research and register buildings in Nova Scotia

Downtown Halifax Through a Notman Lens: A Lecture by Jeffrey Ward
Downtown Halifax was a virtual hive of activity in the early days of photography, beginning with the first photograph ever made in Canada (1839) and the earliest permanent studio in 1842, which ran until about 1868. In 1869, famed photographer William Notman opened a studio at the corner of George and Barrington Streets, with a front row seat on the comings and goings of Halifax society.

Marking the Spot: A Workshop on Researching Buildings & The How and Why of Heritage Registration
Join us for a free workshop in person workshop on how to research and register buildings in Nova Scotia.

Doors Open for Churches 2024
Doors Open for Churches is an annual tour of church buildings in Nova Scotia presented by Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia with the assistance of community members. This year the tours will be a combination of in-person visits (masks encouraged) and virtual tours.

Annual General Meeting and Awards Ceremony
Join us for our AGM and Awards Ceremony, where we'll recognize 14 sites from across the province for their excellence in restoration or adaptive reuse. We'll celebrate the built heritage of our province and the individuals and groups who have worked hard to ensure the preservation of these unique and important structures.

Marking the Spot: A Workshop on the Researching and Registering of Buildings
Join HTNS and the Heritage Advisory Committee of Mahone Bay to learn about heritage registration in the community

Walls that Talk: How Built Heritage Benefits Nova Scotia & What You Can Do to Ensure That Continues
Hear our Executive Director explore how having older buildings and other types of built heritage in our communities provide a wide range of benefits to Nova Scotians and what everyone can do to help protect these vital resources.

A Forum on the Housing Accelerator Plan for HRM
Join HTNS’s HRM Committee on April 3 in Burke Theatre B on the campus of St. Mary’s University for a public forum to discuss the Housing Accelerator Fund. We will talk about the threats to built heritage in the Centre Plan Area, and how municipalities could better address the housing crisis.

2nd Annual Heritage Building Lego Building Competition for All Ages!
Calling Lego Builders of All Ages for a Heritage Building Lego Building Competition!

Marking the Spot: A Workshop on the Researching and Registering of Buildings in Nova Scotia
Join the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia for a free workshop on line workshop on how to research and register buildings in Nova Scotia

History in Our Walls: How to Ensure the Buildings of Yesterday are Here Tomorrow
Ever wondered how to research the history of a building?
Ever wondered what it means to register a heritage property?
Join us HTNS and Akoma to learn how you can help preserve the buildings of your community and the stories they tell.

Marking the Spot: A Workshop on the How and Why of Heritage Registration in Nova Scotia
Join the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia for a free workshop on heritage property registration in Nova Scotia

Celebration of Life for Alan Ruffman
Join us for a Celebration of Life for Alan Ruffman, longtime advocate for built heritage preservation and planning decisions that preserve the history of the city.

Doors Open For Churches
Doors Open for Churches is an annual tour of church buildings in Nova Scotia presented by Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia with the assistance of community members. This year the tours will be a combination of in-person visits (masks encouraged) and virtual tours.

HTNS Goes To...Historic Fairview
We’ll be at the Fairview Clayton Park Farmers Market this Thursday, stop by with questions, to learn about built heritage or just say hello!

Researching and Registering Built Heritage in HRM
Join HTNS for a free workshop on how to research your property and apply for heritage designation in the Halifax Regional Municipality.

Growing Up in Greenbank: Recollection & Reconnection of a Forgotten Halifax Neighbourhood
Get to know the Halifax neighbourhood known as Greenbank, a working-class area of Halifax which was destroyed through the expansion of Ocean Terminals.

A Heritage Building Lego Building Competition for All Ages!
Calling Lego Builders of All Ages for a Heritage Building Lego Building Competition!
Join HTNS and the Heritage Association of Antigonish in Celebrating the heritage buildings of Antigonish with a lego building competition! All are welcome to participate.

We are calling on all Nova Scotians who value Nova Scotia’s built heritage to add your voices to the Heritage Trust’s call for better built heritage protections. Click below to learn how you can take action!

Marking the Spot: Heritage Registration in Nova Scotia
Have you ever wondered what it means to register a heritage property with a municipality or the province? Do you own a property that’s already registered and want to know what that means? This online workshop will cover the why and how of heritage property registration with time provided for your questions.

A Pictou Gingerbread Heritage Christmas
Join the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, Pictou Heritage Advisory Trust, and the McCulloch House Museum and Genealogy Centre in celebrating the heritage buildings of Pictou with a gingerbread house competition! All are welcome to enter.

Going...going...GONE! A Public Meeting on Halifax's Disappearing Historic Building Stock
Join us for a public meeting about the demolitions of historic building stock in Halifax and what we can do.

HTNS Lecture and Annual General Meeting
Join us on June 23, 2022 for the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia’s Lecture & Annual General Meeting. Attend in person at the Cambridge Military Library, Artillery Park or online via Zoom.

Insuring Older & Heritage Buildings — A Lecture
Place: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia’s YouTube Channel
Speaker: Amanda Dean (IBC/BC) and Aneill MacCaul (IBANS)
Guest speakers Amanda Dean of the Insurance Bureau of Canada and Aneill MacCaull of the Insurance Brokers Association of Nova Scotia discuss the particulars of insuring older and heritage-designated buildings.
Insuring Old Homes in Nova Scotia Informational Brochure:
Insuring Heritage Properties (Insurance Bureau of Canada):

The Stones of Spring Garden Road – A Walking Tour
Place: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia’s YouTube Channel
Speaker: Dr. Howard Donohoe
Geologist Dr. Howard Donohoe will guide us along Spring Garden Road, talking about local building stone, the quarry location, building styles, and important geological history from the building stones. All of the ironstones originated at the Dalhousie quarries while the granites are not only extraordinary in their diversity but also in their location of origin. Only a few locations have granite from the Purcell’s Cove quarries.

Downtown Dartmouth Heritage Conservation District – A Lecture
Place: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia’s YouTube channel
Speaker: David Jones
David Jones, HTNS Board member, speaks about the area of Downtown Dartmouth that has been identified for future designation as a heritage conservation district. As David makes clear, there is as much to recognize and protect below ground as there is above ground.