Our Team



Emma Lang


Emma comes to the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia with more than a decade worth of experience as a heritage professional in a career that has taken her across the United States and Atlantic Canada working for museums and heritage organizations. Emma holds an MA in Museum Studies from George Washington University in Washington DC and an MA in Folklore from Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Emma’s job as Executive Director is a multi-faceted one that includes facilitating projects initiated by the Board, expanding the variety of resources put out by the Trust to preserve and protect built heritage, continuing the development of a strong internship program to support the training of a new generation of heritage professionals, and educating about and advocating for at- risk built heritage across the province.

Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Andrea Arbic, President

Janet Morris, Vice President Heritage

Ashley Cunningham, Secretary

Adrien Comeau, Treasurer

Sandra Barss, Past President

Committee Chairs

Terry Smith-Lamothe, Buildings at Risk

Jeff Ward, Communications

Denise Hansen, Education

Margo Grant, Halifax Regional Municipality

Allen B. Robertson, Places of Worship

Terry Eyland, Research

Regional Representatives

Margaret Herdman, Cape Breton

Meghann Jack, Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough

Janice Lockyer, Colchester-Cumberland-East Hants

At-Large Representatives

Edward Langille

Cam MacKay

Laura Smith